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Streaming Activity Parameters

Streaming Activity Parameters

If the “IsStream” attribute of an activity parameter is true, then that parameter “may accept values while its behavior is executing” if it is an input parameter or it “may post values while the behavior is executing.”  The fact that a parameter is streaming is indicated by the word “” in braces being placed on the parameter.

Streaming is not the same as a continuous flow.  A streaming flow may or may not be continuous.  For example, a flow of water is continuous, but a streaming flow of occasional system inputs is not continuous.  Streaming simply implies that the activity may execute while the input is being received or the output is being produced.


Object Management Group (2018) OMG Systems Modeling Language Version 1.6. Needham, MA: OMG. Para 11.2.1, Table 11.1.

Optional vs. Required Flows

Optional vs. Required Flows

Continuous and Discrete Rate of Flow

Continuous and Discrete Rate of Flow